Author: Lars

seaweeds for umami flavor in the new nordic cuisine

seaweeds for umami flavor in the new nordic cuisine

This is a copy of the Nordic Food Lab’s first scientific article, accepted in the fantastic publication, Flavour Journal (  Take a look at the …


our kind of cake

our kind of cake

To be utterly honest, this is something that we should have done long ago. It borders on embarrassing in retrospect. I am sure that the …


Michael Bom Frost

Michael Bom Frost

A new face stirring the pots and rocking the boat. Nordic Food Lab increases the crew on the houseboat with Michael Bom Frøst as director. Michael has …


home made

home made

It’s that time of the year when the wish list begins to expand, and we wistfully flip through our lab supply catalog. Like most people, we …


kelp crisps

kelp crisps

We were experimenting with bouillons from different seaweeds, reducing them, and then, epiphany. Why not dehydrate the bouillon?  We set it at 60 degrees overnight. …


potato evaluation

potato evaluation

the selection The Nordic Food Lab conducted a sensory analysis of underutilized varieties of Nordic potatoes to evaluate their respective gastronomic potential and desirability. We initially received …




the scoby Kombucha is basically a fermented tea. It begins with a sweet tea, traditionally of a black variety, which is then transformed by the “mushroom”, …


fermentation trials

fermentation trials

This is the rig we set up to inoculate grains for the later fermentation. The polysci circulator controls the temperature (there is a lid) and …


serious ferment

serious ferment

barley plus Ferments are some of the most rewarding products to work with, whether cheese, bread, vinegars, etc. There is something particularly rewarding in nurturing, collaborating …


søl feta

søl feta

We have been collaborating with Arla on several projects, but this is probably the one we are most excited about. Just concerning søl, the good …